Hello everyone!

So this past week was busy. We were helping our investigators get ready for their baptism. It was a big day last saturday. We combined both Vigan 1st and 2nd's baptism so there was a total of 10!!! It's been 3 transfers that me and elder Oberg haven't had baptisms. So that's the good news. We still have more coming up for next month. We are hoping for around 3. Our zone last thursday set a goal of 35 baptisms for the month of march. It's a huge goal and it's going to take a lot of work. But with righteous desires, it is totally possible.
Other than that, nothing special happened this week. We just had our zone training meeting. It's pretty cool since Elder Williams and Elder Erickson are both in my zone now. Elder Williams is now our zone leader. Elder Erickson is the district leader for Cabugao.

We have the craziest teaching pool here. We have some investigators who love to talk about God. There's one... Arthur Acena. He knows everything is true and wants to know everything in detail. Before, we made the mistake of having him share his concerns or what he learned... then he'd totally control the lesson. Then we taught him where we dove straight into the lesson. And it was a success! He finally feels he needs to come to church to compare. Then we have this other investigator, Bong Bong Ardaniel. He's really interesting. He's been listening to a whole bunch of different religions and we think he may have been listening to this really crazy stuff too. He told us to be friends with Satan... because he used to be up there in heaven with God... (Basically it's the lesson on pre-earth life, but it's sooooobrang baligtad!) Hopefully we can correct him on it. That's the next lesson. Then he went on in telling us to read some book because it was written by the archangels. So I asked him does it have references to the scriptures and he said no because it's written by the archangels. Then we tried to explain to him how only prophets are allowed to write in books. I think we may need to have a lesson on prophets again. Anyways, some of the people we teach are just interesting.
Visiting our family has been hard this week because they are super busy with the barangay festival in San Pedro. Fortunately, auntie Jean still came to church on sunday!!! Julius Agapinan wants to be baptized but he's afraid of what his parents would say. And this week, we are going to try and visit Vanessa and her husband. There's so many people I still need to visit here. I told auntie to tell me when ate Liza gets here. Also when ate Nympha gets here too. It'd be nice to actually see them finally. We'll probably be attending the wedding while we're here... that's if it's before transfers. I might actually be transferred so... who knows?

So today, we went back to the zoo for a zone activity. It's still fun going there since it's a different group. I feel bad for some missionaries cause they've been in this area for awhile and activity's are always at the zoo if you are in the Vigan zone. Afterwards, some of us went to eat at the "Ihawan sa Caoayan." Ihawan is basically a place where they grill stuff... especially seafood! Yum! Elder Hunsaker doesn't really like seafood. Oh and we eat with our hands. It's the same place where I went with the office.
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