Monday, August 19, 2013

Week #24 : This week....Four more baptisms and everyweek a marching band!

Hello inang,
So you wish to know how the filipino people learn here. The way I teach is adapted from Elder Polgo. Everything is simplified. Some lessons have acronyms so that things are easier to remember. Halimbawa, the Word of Wisdom. To remember what's bawal, use the word SAKIT.
S - Sigarilyo
A - Alak
K - Kape
I - Illegal drogas
T - Tsaa
I made a whole bunch of diagrams too using colored paper and had them laminate it. One for the Plan of Salvation and one for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It keeps the people interested. It's really good with children too. And it really helps them see and understand. Teaching tools are super important in the work. We have to find ways to keep them interested as we talk.
This week we have 4 baptisms. They're super converted! As we've taught these people, we've seen their progression and we've seen their testimonies grow. It's really cool to see these things. Being District Leader now is kind of exciting but hard too. Not only do I have to train Elder Clark, I have to give weekly trainings to my district.
Let's see, did anything interesting happen this past week? It's been raining hard here but no bagyo daw at walang flood dito. This area is flood proof so that's nice. Every week, we have a marching band in front of our apartment because people keep passing away here. It's full of really old people. So we started finally exploring this other part of our area. It's actually a whole municipality. Just like Sta Ana is an area and Bangui is an area, or municipality, Burgos is its own. We are having new investigators there except its malayo. So, we took a bus to get to Burgos, at malakas talaga ang ulan, kaya, for some reason, the bus was leaking from the inside and water would just pour on Elder Clark. Oh yes! We experienced an earthquake! That was interesting. We we're just sitting there and everything just shook. We also had to give a message at a necrological for one of the member's mothers. It was kind of weird giving a message at a funeral service. But I could say I did it now. Elder Gamboa's training too now. Isuna ti puraw. We lost our cook for a whole week so I cooked. Niluto ko ang sinigang. You should try to find santul there as a pangasim. It's more natural than that sinigang package. I'm learning how to make real sabaw with all those packages. Masarap talaga. I can cook paksiw, diningding, sinigang, adobo. And the list goes on. I made kare-kare once. It was good. We're gonna start having breakfast now. I bought eggs and longanisa. We usually have insimada for breakfast or cheese-bread. There's a bakery across the street. 
Anyways, I'm still trying to learn Ilocano. Papa told me he's part Ilocano or something hehe. That whole Tagalog Ilocano thing is just like back home with the whole English French thing. Elder Polgo told me that if you ever spoke Tagalog in Bacolod, they'll laugh at you. So I guess it's everywhere.
Well, I hope you're all doing good. I still remember when Esa would sing inside the car while we drove. She was always on key. Pretty smart already being 2 years old. Anyways, anything interesting happen lately? There are so many wedding now! It's incredible! There's a lot of missionaries from our stake too! That's pretty cool! Anyways, agannadkayo ken ay-ayatenkayo!

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