So the past week was great. We had zone conference on tuesday and learned a lot there. Our mission goal is to baptize 1000 souls by the end of the year.

Our companionship goal is to get 20 by the time Elder Polgo gets transferred, which is in about 8 weeks. We already had 3 and we have I think... 5 or 6 with baptismal dates. We have been told we should be inviting people to baptism at the first lesson since that is our purpose as missionaries. President Barrientos also told us, because our area is so huge, we might be getting bikes here. Anyways, highlights of the week.
I've actually got to ride a coliglig this week. I have plenty of pictures for you to look at.
Also today, we had a zone activity. We went into a cave inside the bundok. It was pretty creepy in there. Extremely dark.
We had plenty of dinner appointments, mostly fish and rice. Delicious. I also had a coconut from the tree today. The missionaries at Santa Teresita have a buko tree in their backyard. There's so much coconut water inside! We also ate berries from trees. It's pretty cool. Also yesterday, we were on our way to a lesson and the walk is about an hour but these people in a truck stopped for us so we got to ride inside.
The people here are really nice. And mom, I need uncle rodel's address asap. The missionary is leaving soon.
I'm starting to recognize some Ilokano now. It's so weird. Apparently it's Tagalog with missing letters and massive abbreviations. Anyways, we've been working hard here. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing fine. I'm getting darker cause there's never any clouds. I went on exchanges this week with the zone leader and we ran into some RMs and they told me I'm their blood since I'm half ilokano. So now I gotta learn Ilokano even more now.
So yeah, sending mail may be a bit difficult here since its pretty expensive. I'll probably send mail in one big batch. And to send mail to me, it has to go through the mission office. We're supposed to be looking for a 4 man apartment here because we're supposed to have 2 more missionaries in Santa Ana. That's gonna help out a lot. So that's the news for the week. Take care every one and I love you all!
Elder Morales
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