But the challenges prevails... (still mom blogging so it's kinda long hehe)
Once we arrived in Denver, our connecting flight to Utah did not exist!
So we had to get another flight.
They put us on stand-by hoping to put all three of us on the same flight, but no guarantees...WOW!
So one of us would probably be left behind in Denver... haha!
(There I was entertaining some funny thoughts on my mind of what could possibly happen)
There`s always something to learn from experiences and if you look hard enough, there's always...
comic relief...
When Joe was with customer service, Chris and I sat down and in front of us was the sign `BOZEMAN`` and I immediately thought of an episode when Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory decided to move to Bozeman to get away from his crime-stricken home.
Waiting patiently for connecting flight under the sign 'Bozeman' |
It put a smile on my face just seeing that the city or this place actually existed. LOL!
So of course I had to snap a picture!
(I felt a sudden tinge of home-sickness because I missed the show...yep I`m totally addicted to it that I'm excited to get to a Cheesecake Factory where the casts love to eat as a group lol!)
Anyways, long story short... after so much running around (which caused me to relapse back to my cough except this time a little more violently) with a bit more prayers, one agent was able to get us on the last connecting plane.
We ran ran and ran for it and yep...
it almost killed me causing me to almost have a heart attack.
Reality check: I'm out of shape!
AND Finally...
we get on the plane and sure enough...
another miracle!
There it was... there were exactly 3 seats side-by-side in the very front row waiting for us.
The plane was full and that was the last guaranteed flight to Utah.
God is good!
We finally arrived,
but our luggages didn't and that was the last of the many challenges for the day.
But at least we arrived to our destination and we got free dinner vouchers for all the trouble of the day :)
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Mexican food at the Cafe Rio |
I bought a huge platter of Burrito combo but I was only able to digest soup from all the commotion. |
Talk about oppositions!
But prayers never fail and a way is always provided whenever it's for a righteous reason.
When you aren't well PREPARED...ye shall surely FEAR a little lol!
But fortunately GOD knows your heart and counts your efforts :)
"Sometimes a little opposition is thrown in our path to test how much we truly want to get to our destination. "
And yes it made his mission feel even more important than ever.
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